"Been a Wordsmith from the Get Go, Mi Have it Set Soh!"

Image Credits : Vasilisa Ermakova @chagayaga
The most powerful political voices are those with a different way of seeing and processing the world and the sounds that emanate from it.
..... " Angels came to visit us.
We'd dine in last suppers, serving lightmatter for supernovas as a farewell before they embodied their last shining in the burned indigo of the night.
We were ancestors and descendents all at the same time.
There was no time. .. "
- Poetikah, Excerpt from "Primal Form".

Image Credits : Vasilisa Ermakova @chagayaga
Some people i'm acquainted with, people I know to one extent or the other, ask me from time to time, " are you still 'doing' poetry?". As if poetry were merely something I had picked up, a temporary, part-time hobby I partook in. It's my gift, it's mine, iAM a poet, iAM a wordsmith, I'll never stop. This is not something I do, it's who and what iAM.
- Poetikah
"PoetiKAH has an incredibly distinctive writing style, her ability to effortlessly weave words into timeless poetry is mind-blowing. Having had the pleasure of writing with PoetiKAH on a number of occasions I have witnessed her brilliance first hand. I have also hired her services as a writer for music promo, she is able to describe projects in a unique and engaging style ensuring she captures the audiences attention"
- Miss Yankey Poet, Writer, Artist (Poetry Prescribed, Mind Over Matter )

Image Credits : Vasilisa Ermakova @chagayaga